
This page will help you export the data based on the reports category (Purchases, Customers, Refunds) in a CSV format.

The purchases report will give you details regarding all the purchases the shopper has made by paying with RocketFuel either on your website, in-store, or from the invoice. Customers reports will give you details regarding all your customers. Refunds report will provide you with details regarding all the refunds.

You can use these reports to analyze data or share it with stakeholders like the Accounts team.

To generate a report, both From and To dates are required. For a single day, both dates will be the same. For more than a day, both dates will be different. Once the date range is selected, clicking the "Download" button will generate the CSV file for the corresponding report. Please note that currently, you only have the option to download the report in CSV format. However, All reports will generate a ZIP file, a combination of CSV files for Purchases, Customers, and Equity reports.

Under the reports section, you can also see charts for Gross Volume (For your sales), New Customers, and Spend per Customer. All charts present data for Month frequency by default, and frequency can be changed to Today, Week, Month, or Year. You can also select a particular date range to see these charts as per your needs.

Last updated